Category: Yoga

Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy: A Mind-Body Approach to Grief

Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy: A Mind-Body Approach to Grief phoenix rising yoga therapy

Keith arrived for his first session just 18 days after his partner of 36 years died suddenly. As soon as he walked through the door for his first private Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy session, he began to sob. I guided him to find a comfortable position lying down on my soft, comfortable mat, and covered […]

Yoga & Allergies

I have the sniffles. It is ragweed time, and while I am not as “puny” (to borrow a word from my southern grandmother) as I have been during previous allergy seasons, my breathing is decidedly challenged. A few of my clients this week were also reporting feeling sinus pressure. If you are suffering, here are […]

Find Warmth in Winter

Between retreats, private sessions, book clubs and workshops I have had the opportunity to spend time with more friends and clients than usual. The experience led me to contemplate community, and how important feeling connected is to our well-being as a species. I recently started attending a yoga class in an actual yoga studio, Sol […]