Tamara Embrey, MA, MFA
Tamara holds a Master’s degree in Mindfulness Studies from Lesley University. This rigorous academic program situates mindfulness within its roots of contemplative practice and includes a solid foundation in Buddhist studies, ethics, leadership and social change, contemplative neuroscience, mindful movement, communication, education, and healing. To this, she has added professional development in understanding and treating trauma, which led to her special interest in neuro-somatic mindfulness and compassion practices and laid the foundation for her Master’s Thesis, Taming the Wandering Mind: Where Buddhism and Polyvagal Theory Meet. (Available here: https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/mindfulness_theses/69/)
Tamara’s meditation journey began over thirty years ago. Along the way, she has worked as a neuroscience researcher and scientific writer, a professor of academic writing, and an artist and entrepreneur.
Tamara believes that our personal and interpersonal paths are profoundly connected. In the stillness of individual meditation, we perceive the suffering associated with our relationship with ourselves. When we meditate together, the suffering associated with our relational lives with others begins to reveal itself. Sitting together, we find that our hearts can become less hungry, and the sense of self we fight so hard to protect can soften, allowing our hearts to open, connect, and rest. And remembering (sati (सति)) our way back to this open heart and compassion in the midst of suffering is where our freedom lies.