Heather Stang

Heather Stang, M.A. is the author of Mindfulness & Grief and the Frederick Meditation Center founder. She holds a Masters degree in Thanatology (Death, Dying, and Bereavement) from Hood College in Maryland, and is a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy practitioner. She has led mindfulness-based grief workshops for organizations such as the National Fallen Firefighters Association and Hospice of Frederick County, and is a member of the Association of Death Education and Counseling. Heather’s mission is to help people who are grieving to stay healthy and benefit from the transformative experience of grief, using mindfulness-based practices, relaxation, and expressive arts. She has an established practice offering Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy sessions, day-long retreats, and 8 Week Yoga for Grief groups. She is based in Maryland. You can find her on Google +.

Tips for Travelling Yogi/nis

“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Last week in meditation group we discussed just how easy it is to gradually let your meditation or yoga practice slip away, until one day there is nothing left! Next thing you know, you are feeling the effects of stress and an […]