Managing Grief During The Holidays Workshop
Saturday, November 16, 2019
10:30 AM- 12:00 PM
$25 Program Fee Includes The Live Workshop plus Heather’s Online Program: Meditation For Grief During The Holidays, which features three online webinars and guided meditation MP3s for you to download.
Learn How To Cope With Holiday Grief & Stress
Based on the Mindfulness & Grief System created by Heather Stang and featured in her book, Mindfulness & Grief.
The holidays are stressful enough when you are not grieving. If you have experienced a major loss, this holiday season will be different than the last, and whether you share your grief openly, or keep things to yourself, managing your internal and external struggles will be less challenging once you master a few basic coping skills and plan how you want to approach the holidays.
During this workshop, we will explore how you can manage the painful and mixed feelings that accompany grief, maintain your physical health, and explore how new and old traditions and rituals can support you during this tough time. We will discuss the three principles of self-compassion: self-kindness, common humanity and mindfulness, and consider how they can help you navigate the holiday season.
- Managing Grief During The Holidays Workshop - October 19, 2019
- Equanimity & Distractions While Meditating - May 5, 2016