The Healing Book Club

A Supportive Book Club…

The Healing Book Club
Read about The Healing Book Club in the Frederick News Post

he mission of this group is to provide a supportive environment for self growth and exploration through the discussion of selected non-fiction books.

I started this book club after my Phoenix Rising training in order to keep myself up to date and curious. I also enjoy having a group of like-minded people to share ideas with, and discuss our impressions of the book. I always learn something new at book club!

This Month’s Healing Book Club Selection

The Book of Awakening

The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have – by Mark Nepo

While many of the participants have read the book either in part or in full prior to the gathering, it is not required to attend. All that is asked is a willingness to join in and an open mind. In the spirit of compassion, all participants are asked to respect the opinions and confidentiality of others in the group.

We meet in the Private Event Room at Sam Wong Salon and Spa one Friday Night each month from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Check out the Classes & Events Schedule for upcoming books and dates, or RSVP on

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