In collaboration with the Center for Mindful Living (Washington, DC), we are excited about offering this three Sunday Book Discussion Group.
Hi Friends,
Please join us for this special 3-Part Exploration of the Pema Chodrön Classic “When Things Fall Apart”.
Certified Mindfulness Teacher and therapist Regina Flanigan will facilitate an exploration of the much-loved book When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, by the American Buddhist nun Pema Chodrön.
In each session, Regina will start us off with a brief guided meditation and some reflections on the relevant chapters, and then we’ll open it up for mindful sharing and listening.
Feel free to attend any or all of the sessions, whether you’ve read the book or not.
Sundays, 4:30-5:45pm during our regular practice group time.
- September 6: chapters 1-9
- September 13: chapters 10-16
- September 20: chapters 17-22
How To Join This Class
Join Via Zoom Video Conference using your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82517445546?pwd=clhKenFGbWUvcE1PV2xpRnkrczNGdz09
Meeting ID: 825 1744 5546
Password: 680201
Or Call In Using a Telephone: 1-646-558-8656 and enter Meeting ID 825 1744 5546 and password 680201
If you call in by phone, use these commands on the keypad:
- *6 – Mute or unmute yourself
- *9 – Raise hand to ask a question
Please Support This Class With Your Donation.
Teachers of donation-based classes are not paid a wage, but instead rely on donations from students for support. Teachers in turn offer a donation to the Frederick Mediation Center to help with rent and utilities. For less than a meal out, you can receive valuable teachings that will last a lifetime!
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. $25 Benefactor, $15 Sustainer, $10 Student/Scholarship. Learn how your donation supports the Frederick Meditation Center and how we can serve any member of the community regardless of financial means.
About Regina Flanigan, LCPC
Regina is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher and was a student of Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield’s program for two years. She is also a practicing therapist and former therapeutic body worker. Her classes often focus on how to bring awareness, compassion and a gentle curiosity to your experiences so that you can make choices that lead to greater freedom and well being.
Learn More About Regina Flanigan….
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