Morning Mindfulness Meditation” Drop-In” Class with Regina Flanigan


Mindfulness when practiced as a way of life cultivates calm, compassion, emotional balance, and wisdom.

And, as these qualities mature within us,  we feel a greater capacity to live fully and love well.

This welcoming class begins with a theme followed by a lightly guided meditation practice.  

The meditation period goes from 7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m., and is followed by an optional discussion period.

It’s often during these wise-hearted discussions that the practices and teachings come alive.

New and seasoned practitioners are always welcome. 


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What to Expect Each Week

  • A brief reflection on why the practice matters and how it might be helpful.
  • A lightly guided meditation
  • Post practice sharing and Q and A ( with respectful agreements for interacting)
  • Encouragement to bring your practice to your daily life


How To Join This Group

Join Via Zoom Video Conference using your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Meeting ID: 682 748 694
Passcode: 840598
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,682748694#,,,,*840598# US (Washington DC)
+13092053325,,682748694#,,,,*840598# US

If you call in by phone, use these commands on the keypad:

    • *6 – Mute or unmute yourself
    • *9- Raise hand to ask a question


Please Support This Class With Your Donation of $10 per session.

Class is offered by minimum donation of $10 to allow access for all.

Donations make this class and others like it possible. Teachers of donation-based classes are not paid a wage, but instead rely on donations from students for support.  Teachers in turn offer a donation to the Frederick Mediation Center to help cover operating expenses. For less than a meal out, you can receive valuable teachings that will last a lifetime!

No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Please donate what you can: $25 Benefactor, $15 Sustainer, $10 Student/Scholarship.

Learn how your donation supports the Frederick Meditation Center and how we can serve any member of  the community regardless of financial means.


About Regina Flanigan, LCPC

Certified mindfulness teacher and therapist, Regina Flanigan guides this morning class. Here is a link to her bio page. To contact Regina, go to

Thursday, July 25, 2024
7:30 am — 8:15 am (45′)


Regina Flanigan

Join Via Zoom