Reflexology: Hands On Healing In Frederick, MD

To schedule an appointment with Jill Lee, call 301-305-6454. She is located downtown Frederick a few blocks away from the Frederick Meditation Center.
Reflexology has long been used in many cultures as a way to improve health, relieve stress and ease symptoms associated with many diseases. Practitioners use an acupressure like method on specific areas of the feet, hands, ears and scalp, to increase circulation, unblock nerve impulses and facilitate through touch the regulatory balance of hormones.
While Reflexology does not ‘cure’ disease, it helps the body to achieve homeostasis, increasing circulation to the organs and cells, so that the body can best repair itself. Think of it in terms of a diabetic, wounds tend not to heal because of the lack of circulation; Reflexology brings that circulation to all of our body systems. And now, western medicine is actively researching and integrating, Reflexology in to clinical settings!
Reflexology has been shown to be beneficial for: Migraines, Plantar Faciatis, Stress, Cancer, Anxiety, Parkinsons, Hormone balance, TBI, and Digestive issues.
An Evidence Based Solution: Reflexology Research
A study published in 2010 found that patients with varying stages of Parkinson’s Disease, had a greater state of well being over the eight week course of Reflexology treatments. The report, from the University of Bedfordshire, stated, “These results suggest that continuous two- three weekly reflexology may limit further deterioration or maintain improvement of wellbeing.” In my own practical experience, with clients suffering from Parkinson’s, they report better sleep quality, less discomfort and a lessening of muscle spasticity with Reflexology.
In 2000, an exciting report was published, on the positive effects of Reflexology in reducing anxiety and pain for breast and lung cancer patients. As a non invasive, non chemical treatment, Reflexology is a wonderful way to help reduce the symptoms associated with cancer and the side effects of treatment, through skilled touch.
Touch, in itself is a wonderful and needed healer. Touch soothes cardiac stress, stimulates the valgus nerve, releases oxytocin, and has even been shown to calm neurological response of the brain to fear. I have seen the powerful results of working with cancer patients for the last fifteen years; decreased nausea, reduced pain and overall increased sense of well being.
As a cancer survivor myself, it really hit home for me the intense release of anxiety, the benefits of non harmful touch and the depth of which I was able to peacefully sleep after a treatment. – Jill Lee
While science is still studying how Reflexology exactly works, the mechanisms of ‘why’, it has been shown over and over to improve quality of life, reduce stress, and improve over all wellness!
Jill Lee, Reflexologist in Frederick, MD
Jill Lee , has been a certified, professional Reflexologist for over 15 years and has helped hundreds of people on their path to better health. It is her passion to connect with people through Reflexology and her joy, to see the positive results her clients achieve. “I will never stop being in awe of the power of the human body and Reflexology. My clients are my greatest teachers as we partner to help them achieve their best health!”
Jill continues her education and receiving her LMT license in 2013, and is currently enrolled in the Duke University Integrative Health Coaching, program. “I’m so excited to be able to offer my clients this new tool in wellness. Integrative Health Coaching is powerful tool for change; the Duke University model is deeply rooted in behavioral and neurological science and is a wonderful way to partner with clients for lasting change and health benefits!