8 Thursdays
Feb. 21 – Apr. 11
7:30-9:00 PM
Course Tuition: $180 for all 8 Weeks
About The Course
Each of us experience stress in one-way or another throughout our lives, and lately everyone is talking about the benefits of meditation in reducing this stress. The question is, how can we use meditation to help deal with our daily stressors and why does it work?
Jon Kabat-Zinn developed the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program at the University of Massachusetts many years ago to investigate exactly that, and wrote a book to explain the results. “Full Catastrophe Living” is not only a practical guide on how to meditate but also an extremely useful scientific resource on how and why meditation reduces stress. By participating in this book study you will be able to investigate both sides of this puzzle in synchrony.
Full Catastrophe Living is available from Curious Iguana in Downtown Frederick at 20% Off The Cover Price.
As a group we will practice the 8-week mindfulness curriculum outlined in the book, as well as discuss and learn about the latest scientific research on the inner workings of meditation in our bodies and minds. A daily meditation schedule will be encouraged, and guided meditations in class as well as for at home will be provided. While the readings will support you, it will not be necessary to purchase the book, or have read it before the class starts. This is a 720pg book that covers a lot of topics, there will be very select readings for class that are most pertinent to meditation, stress, anxiety, and lifestyle.
Is This Course For You?
This class is designed for anyone that would like to learn how to use meditation and mindfulness in their daily lives, as well as deepen their understanding of what mindfulness is and how it works. Having an 8-week class with daily meditations will help establish a habit of meditating. This leads to a strong home practice and confidence in your meditative ability to practice alone as well as in other groups and drop-in classes.