When you are reeling from a significant loss, coping with difficult emotions may seem like an impossible task. It is natural to want to turn away from or suppress painful feelings. But as you probably know, the stronger and emotion is, the harder it will persist. As a grief professional, sadness is not an uncommon […]
Category: Guided Meditation
Meditation For Couples: Reduce Negativity With Mindfulness & Loving-Kindness
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and with it comes a barrage of commercials featuring idyllic couples lavishing each other with gifts—from chocolate to diamonds to luxury vehicles. While I am not one to ever turn down a box of truffles or something sparkly, let us not forget the reason for the season: love. […]
Guided Mindful Awareness Break
Take a moment to switch off your autopilot switch and pay attention to the precious life before you! In this brief guided meditation, you will use your breath, sight, sound, and awareness of feelings to press your reset button and “begin again.”